Last time we performed a jailbreak on our Kindle and installed a bunch of wonderful extensions. Now it's time to go deeper into the innards of the liberated e-reader and extend its capabilities even further.

  1. Connecting to the Kindle via SSH from Raspberry Pi

    On Kindle, fire up KUAL and select USBNetwork -> * Toggle USBNetwork *. Plug your Kindle into Raspberry Pi via USB (I'm assuming you have a working Raspberry Pi set up already, with keyboard/mouse, a monitor and a wifi dongle). Since mass storage mode is incompatable with SSH, eject Kindle.

    Now on Raspberry Pi:

     # ifconfig usb0

    Test if you can connect via SSH yet:

     # ssh root@

    It will ask for a password, just hit Enter. You are in! Well, at least you should be. Refer to the enclosed README_FIRST in USBNetwork folder if you are in trouble.

  2. Make your future logins more swoosh with shared keys

    First, let's get rid of by adding this line to your /etc/hosts:

    1. 168.15.244 kindle

    Now on to the keys themselves:

     cd ~/.ssh
     ssh-keygen -C "Our Kindle key" -f id_kindle

    Enter your favorite passphrase. You should have id_kindle and Let's copy your public key to the Kindle:

     scp root@kindle:/mnt/us/usbnet/etc/authorized_keys

    That's it! To make SSHing even more automatic, try things with ssh agent and keychain.

  3. Install Extend

    Extend (home) - additional command line tools, most importantly - ssh client, which is crucial for our end goal.

    • Download Extend

      Place extend and extensions folder in the root directory of your Kindle. You can do it either via usual USB connection or through SSH.

    • Next, connect to your Kindle via SSH and execute following commands:

        # ./mnt/us/
        # ln -s /mnt/us/circles/mountd /etc/rc5.d/S101mountd

      That should be it. We are now ready for the final step on this rather dragged out journey to Kindleberry Pi.